Ping Productions South African Ex-Pats

South African Ex-Pats

This show is for emigration-curious South Africans. We bring you experiences and stories from South African ex-pats, as well as advice from experts who specialise in making the process easier, cheaper, and faster.
Weekly English Explicit South Africa Places & Travel · How To
31 Episodes
1 – 20

Moving to the UK -The interview of the book, with Sam Beckbessinger

Sam Beckbessinger has written a book called Moving to the UK. It's perfect for anyone doing just that, and awesome even if you're moving somewhere other than the UK. In my interview with Sam, we talk about: Why and how she wrote "Moving to the UK". How emigrating messes with…
9 Oct 2023 47 min

Where am I going with this? - an update

NOTE: I will be creating more episodes of this show, but currently my focus is Off the Grid in SA - A practical guide for shedding load-shedding. Here's a brief update on the show and where I'm going with it.  If you don't have a couple of minutes to spare,…
9 Nov 2022 4 min

Grant and his family moved to British Columbia, and it wasn't easy.

Grant Norman was kind enough to join me to chat about his family's emigration to a suburb just outside Vancouver.  Grant and his wife got into Canada via the Express Entry visa, although it was a few years ago.  Grant's journey was not necessarily smooth, though, and the high cost…
26 Jul 2022 42 min

Emigration Expo - Moving to Malta, with Grahame Salt.

Sorry for the long break, but I went away to Ireland and the UK for a month. More on that coming up in future episodes.  Here's a conversation from the Emigration Expo that I hope will prove revealing. I knew Malta existed, but didn't know much beyond that.  I grabbed…
28 Jun 2022 11 min

Pet Emigration, with Vaughn from Animal Travel Services. Expo mini-sode.

Continuing my short conversations with the exhibitors at the Emigration Expo, I cornered Vaughn from Animal Travel Services for a quick chat about emigrating your pets.  We cover costs, the procedure from start to finish, and some of those interesting questions like "Do pets get sedated for travel" and "Do…
3 May 2022 14 min

The Emigration Expo - Sarah Howarth, Expo organiser.

I attended The Emigration Expo last weekend and recorded some great interviews with the exhibitors. I'll be publishing the interviews as I get them lightly edited so you can catch up if you couldn't make it.  Here's a very short intro with Sarah Howarth, the organiser of the Expo. Sarah…
25 Apr 2022 6 min

Paul got a golden ticket to Ottawa, Calgary, and Western Australia.

Paul Goodwill is an interesting guy. When others moan and groan about how difficult it is to emigrate to first world countries like Canada and Australia, he games the system. These first-world countries don't need marketers and IT managers and so on. They need carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and mechanics.  So…
6 Mar 2022 46 min

Jo moved to Los Angeles, California

Jo Galloway is a professional actress, singer, dancer, writer and international voice artist.  In 2012 she moved to Los Angeles to take her career to the next level.  Ten years and far too many productions to name later, Jo has worked with Hollywood luminaries like Jimmy Fallon and Seth MacFarlane,…
28 Jan 2022 50 min

Jon (the host) moved to Barcelona. And then came back.

As a minor celebration of the 20th episode of South African Ex-Pats, I'd like to tell you about what it's like to move to and live in Barcelona, Spain. And in my case, why I decided to come back to South Africa.  Barcelona is a city for those who love…
16 Jan 2022 28 min

Sven and his family moved to Vancouver, Canada.

Sven is a technician who became a financial planner who became a technician again in order to emigrate to Canada. It turns out that they have enough financial planners.  Sven is originally from Bulgaria, but lived in South Africa for 13 years and the visa process he and his South…
10 Nov 2021 52 min

Sherianne moved to the beautiful city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands

Sherianne Kramer is an ex-pat post-doc criminal psychologist who moved to Amsterdam to complete her research, and still hasn't come home after 5 years.  She loves the beautiful canals and the calm, safe, stable nature of the city and the country. She describes the Dutch as gentle, deeply traditional, and…
19 Oct 2021 1 hr 11 min

Simon moved to Brisbane with his family, via 13 years in the UK.

Simon is an old friend whose work in the hotel industry has taken him across the world. He and his family are now settled down in Brisbane, Australia, or Brizzo, or Brizza, or Brisby, probably. Australians can't call anything by their actual name.  Simon paints an attractive portrait of the…
12 Oct 2021 59 min

Nicole and Warren moved to St. Albans, UK

In case you're wondering, St. Albans is one of those towns outside of London, but close enough to commute in for work.  Nicole and Warren moved to the UK with their dog, Tyson (not 'Tyrone', as I so cringingly misspeak) and have been there for about 2 years.  You can…
20 Sep 2021 50 min

Risk and having a Plan B, with David Ansara

My guest, David Ansara from the "Solutions with David Ansara" podcast, is the Chief Operating Office of the Centre for Risk Analysis.  In this episode he gives us a view of the short and long term risks to South Africa and its citizens, and offers us some strategic advice on…
13 Sep 2021 52 min

Rita moved to Tallinn, Estonia

Rita is a copywriter from Cape Town who was offered a job in the capital city of Estonia, Tallinn.  Most people (me included), don't know much about Estonia, and group it vaguely as "one of those eastern bloc countries".  That's correct, but there's far more to it. Here's the first…
8 Sep 2021 51 min

A South African's guide to moving money offshore

In this episode my guests are Hailey Roos, managing director at Carrick Global Wealth Limited, and Candice Koenig, business consultant at Currency Partners.  Together Hailey and Candice boil down the basics of moving your money offshore, whether you're planning to emigrate or not. We talk about the how much you're…
6 Sep 2021 23 min

Jason and his family moved to Dublin, Ireland

Jason is a musician who moved to Dublin during the height of the pandemic last year and has now been living there for a year.  Although his move was logistically and emotionally tough, he's loving the Emerald Isle and has a lot to share about it.  As I mention in…
25 Aug 2021 46 min
1 – 20