Metro Community Hero - Emogine Bohitile
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Emogine is a law student at the University of Namibia. As part of her Community impact initiative, Emogine had made the decision to aid the Namibian Correctional Services Facility in the extension of their Hydroponic and Aquaponics fruit and vegetable garden. So far, Emogine has aided the facility with the cleaning and de-weeding the garden. At the moment, Emogine is trying to gather enough funds so as to help the facility buy the necessary equipment for the extension of the garden. This garden provides the the offenders and officers with food during this difficult times. Emogine told me that, as a student of the law, it is her duty to aid in the reformation of offenders through activities such as gardening so as to help them become a better version of themselves as well as skilled in gardening once they are released back into society.