Ep 20: Parenting Girls In A Changing World
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“If we are not preparing (our children) with the skills and the tools that they need to handle the expected…and the unexpected…then we are not actually doing our job”
If it seems like every time you check your newsfeed there is an alarmist article on new perils parents must manage as they help their daughters steer the course through childhood to adolescence; it is most likely because that is the world we live in now. Continuous and contradictory news blasts seem designed to keep us in a state of “red alert,” or may cause us to feel guilty that we are not doing enough to protect our children from this changing world that is not the one in which we grew up, and–perhaps worse–is not one we recognize. What is a conscientious parent to do? For starters, we should not be crippled by the onslaught. The better approach? Being aware and proactive.
Listen in as host Trudy Hall engages with Liz Joyce, a clinical social worker and school counselor at Nashoba Brooks School, as Liz gets us to take a deep breath, give ourselves a “time-out,” and think about what it means to do some proactive parenting. A parent herself, she brings bundles of common sense and calm to the project of parenting a daughter through tumultuous waters. Her affirming advice grounds us in these anxiety-producing times and gives us permission “not to worry alone.” This episode is guaranteed to make you smile as its sage wisdom reminds you: “You’ve got this.”
ICGS: https://girlsschools.org/advocacy/podcast/
Nashoba Brooks: https://www.nashobabrooks.org/
If it seems like every time you check your newsfeed there is an alarmist article on new perils parents must manage as they help their daughters steer the course through childhood to adolescence; it is most likely because that is the world we live in now. Continuous and contradictory news blasts seem designed to keep us in a state of “red alert,” or may cause us to feel guilty that we are not doing enough to protect our children from this changing world that is not the one in which we grew up, and–perhaps worse–is not one we recognize. What is a conscientious parent to do? For starters, we should not be crippled by the onslaught. The better approach? Being aware and proactive.
Listen in as host Trudy Hall engages with Liz Joyce, a clinical social worker and school counselor at Nashoba Brooks School, as Liz gets us to take a deep breath, give ourselves a “time-out,” and think about what it means to do some proactive parenting. A parent herself, she brings bundles of common sense and calm to the project of parenting a daughter through tumultuous waters. Her affirming advice grounds us in these anxiety-producing times and gives us permission “not to worry alone.” This episode is guaranteed to make you smile as its sage wisdom reminds you: “You’ve got this.”
ICGS: https://girlsschools.org/advocacy/podcast/
Nashoba Brooks: https://www.nashobabrooks.org/