There can never be too much Wham! | Sci-Fi Satire | Shaka Zulu and The Knight Rider
With so much Wham! content around, Paulo and Dori have grabbed those teats and are milking George and Andrew for all they're worth.
Admit that we've all had that dream... at least once.
We also explore the finest in '80s Sci-Fi satire - which may or may not include a lost Bee Gee brother.
More Wham! as we close out the show, plus a look at the Shaka Zulu mini-series from the '80s, which ends with a Hoff reference.
Of course it does.
Everything we discuss in this show can be found on @That80sShowSA on Facebook. This show originally plays out with music that we have to remove from the podcast - here are the songs we spoke about and played:
Genesis - Invisible Touch
Living in a Box - Living in a Box
Admit that we've all had that dream... at least once.
We also explore the finest in '80s Sci-Fi satire - which may or may not include a lost Bee Gee brother.
More Wham! as we close out the show, plus a look at the Shaka Zulu mini-series from the '80s, which ends with a Hoff reference.
Of course it does.
Everything we discuss in this show can be found on @That80sShowSA on Facebook. This show originally plays out with music that we have to remove from the podcast - here are the songs we spoke about and played:
Genesis - Invisible Touch
Living in a Box - Living in a Box