Social Work Khuluma | Season 1 | EP 9 | Decolonizing and Indigenizing Group Work Techniques

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In this informative podcast I speak to Dr Poppy Masinga, Kgomotso Ntlatleng and Thando Msimango on Indigenous Group Work.

We are going to dive into a subject that's as rich and diverse as the country it emanates from. South Africa, often referred to as the "rainbow nation," is characterized by diverse nationalities, races, ethnicities, languages, religions, cultures, and sexual orientation.

Group work practitioners are faced with the need to understand and embrace this diverse mosaic as South Africa is a host to immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. If we are to tap into, and truly connect with our diverse service users, we need to indigenize our approaches. In a country plagued by immense intersecting social, economic, and political issues, vulnerable populations are often caught in the crossfire.

Today, we're shedding light on an exciting concept of the “the Ubuntu Bowl”. More than just a vessel for sharing, but a tool for building cohesion in groups. Drawing inspiration from Ubuntu philosophy and Collective Fingers Theory, we explore through an indigenised parenting skills development programme how these indigenous frameworks are being applied.

Join us as we explore the path toward decolonizing and indigenizing group work techniques and create a new narrative grounded in African knowledge. Prepare to broaden your perspectives, confront deep-rooted beliefs, and adopt a revolutionary approach to social work.
18 Sep 2023 English South Africa Education

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