Gormley - Cory Willness - November 16th, 2023

A Saskatoon-based innovator is working to help farmers become more efficient with a new digital tool. The SWAT MAPS project has received funding through the Canadian Agri-Food Automation and Intelligence Network (CAAIN). Cory Willness, CEO of Croptimistic Technology Inc. joins Gormley to discuss his deep connection to Saskatchewan land and how his SWAT MAPS project can integrate a suite of soil properties for farmers.
16 Nov 2023 1PM English South Africa News · Daily News

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Gormley - Tyler McMurchy - November 24th, 2023

Over the years, a number of producers have worked alongside Gormley to make John Gormley Live magic happen. Gormley is joined by his longest-serving producer and friend, Tyler McMurchy, to commemorate his final show. and more Open Lines
24 Nov 2023 11AM 36 min