A Green Mamba on Durban’s Berea? Surely not…
When a woman on Durban’s Berea called snake rescuer Nick Evans for what she identified as a Green Mamba, he didn't believe her. They just aren’t usually found on the Berea. But Nick was wrong. “80% of my calls are for green snakes, and I'd say about 95% of them are for harmless Spotted Bush Snakes (also known as the garden snake). Another reason I was sceptical it was a Green Mamba was that they traditionally occur in coastal forests, not in the built-up Berea!” Nick explains.
But then the caller sent Nick a photo, and he immediately knew that her ID was in fact spot on. It was a Green Mamba! Find more here
But then the caller sent Nick a photo, and he immediately knew that her ID was in fact spot on. It was a Green Mamba! Find more here