Bible Corner | Forgiveness

We start off today’s conversation on forgiveness with trying
to understand how our relationships among ourselves as humans
affect our relationship with God, as far as our theme of forgiveness
goes. Does God really withhold forgiveness when we struggle to
forgive those who have hurt us?
16 Apr English South Africa Christianity

Other recent episodes

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Intro: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. We’ll be looking at some of the symptoms and remedies for it.
30 Aug 20 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Trinity

Intro: A team has a common goal. While each person may fill a different role, they all work together to accomplish the mission. In this light, we discuss how the Godhead works together towards a common goal.
30 Aug 21 min

Legal | The Right to Legal Representation

Intro: According to section 35 of the Constitution, every person who is arrested, detained or accused has a right to a fair trial, which includes the right to have a legal practitioner assigned by the State and at State expense. Adv. Bangisi takes us through the parameters of that.
29 Aug 22 min

Fundamental Beliefs | The Trinity

Intro: We have to remember that God is not confined by time, space, or matter. God is beyond our human comprehension. God is the “High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity” (Isaiah 57:15). The Trinity is one of the mysteries of the Christian faith. Today we’re focusing on the characteristics…
29 Aug 15 min

Transformation | Leadership & Governance

Intro: We’re kicking off a new series that will run over the next six weeks; we will be speaking with Ps. Amyas Mvunelo in our leadership and transformation segment about different leadership principles inspired by the Graceflow series, a ministry that we will discuss today as an introduction.
28 Aug 10 min