The Interfaith host Nobuhle Goba had an interview Luyanda Mbatha and Nothile Xulu
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The discussion was based on different perspective, as you can see brethren from different religions.. Opinions were differ from one another, Luyanda has specified that marriage without Blemishes means they mustn't any agreements on the arrangement directly from a man to a woman but the elders must take charge, that is the procedure needs to be followed yet the source must be The Maker, than Zanele Gumede emphasized of the importance to love your church as it would make things easy for you to obey the elders and advisors, she also emphasized that it good to visit others to learn more. Than we had u Nothile Xulu who focused on the character according to the scripture that as a woman it good to submit have that character before you even enter the marriage and respect yourself enough to remain true and faithful.. So that what I picked during the discussion we had.