From designer to actor to director - Porteus Xandau

In our 18th episode of The Resourecast we talk to director Porteus Xandau. Porteus is a commercials director working with agencies and brands, and is represented by Carbon Films. Porteus gives us some insight into the difficulties production companies have been facing in the pandemic, as well as some of the solutions they're working on. He also covers his journey to directing, which has zig-zagged across graphic design and acting in the 2012 production of Dredd. Sidenote: We're heading for our 20th episode right now, at which point we believe we'll have covered a lot of ground. After two seasons of ten episodes, we'll be putting The Resourcecast onto the backburner to pursue new podcasting projects. I'll keep paying for the podcast to stay live because I think the content is evergreen, but we'll only post new episodes when we've got something important or particularly awesome to cover. Hope everyone out there is safe and getting some damn work!
1 Aug 2020 English South Africa Marketing · How To

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Terms and conditions apply, with Kate Butcher.

In this episode we chat t Kate Butcher, a Capetonian designer, illustrator, and owner of The Butcher’s Shop Design Studio, which has been running since 2011. You can check out our Instagram account for some examples of her work: @theresourcecastKate is in that situation all freelancers dream about. She's got…
16 Mar 2020 1 hr 19 min

From copywriter to filmmaker - Gerhard Pretorius

Gerhard Pretorius is a copywriter, screenwriter, and director who is building himself a filmmaking career while holding down a day job. His methodical approach to his career has resulted in a library of advertising work and four short movies, two of which are currently available on Showmax. In this conversation we…
5 Mar 2020 1 hr 20 min

Design Indaba 2020 Day 3 Roundup

What was meant to be a quick roundup on the last day turned into a fairly lengthy conversation about the balance between the traditional and the modern, content VS presentation, the power of storytelling, and a few golden threads that seem to have run through the entire Design Indaba conference…
29 Feb 2020 1 hr 10 min

Design Indaba 2020 Day 1 Roundup

In this episode, we get together with freelance photographer Zaid Joseph to round up the day's action at Design Indaba 2020. It's a rambling conversation covering the presenters we loved, and we hope you enjoy it. For a little more visual context, check out, and we'll post some relevant…
27 Feb 2020 51 min