The Rand has tanked. Here's how to get overseas work.

This is a slightly longer episode, but boy is it worth a listen. We chat to Alex Searle and Edward Fisher, two South Africans who found so much work overseas that they ended up moving there. Alex is a video content producer and strategist living in Valencia, Spain. His regular vlogs leverage LinkedIn's content-friendly algorithm to get him high levels of engagement and reach on the platform. Edward is the commercial director of a software company and entrepreneur, specialising in B2B commercial growth. We talk to them about playing the long game with a content strategy that builds your reputation and relationships, as well as a more focused direct marketing plan that Edward breaks down for us, step by step. You'll learn how to use LinkedIn to identify the clients you want to work with, and how to contact them on any platform OTHER than LinkedIn. We talk about putting more work into fewer prospects, not falling prey to the fear that drives us to looks for work anywhere you can get it, and we get a couple of tips for prospecting in the UK in particular: try up-and-coming cities other than London, and charge the right amount (not too much, not too little). Near the end of the chat we talk about money, and how to get paid. I've seen some conversations about this on the forum, and most people seem to say that Paypal is a bit too expensive. A few people speak highly of Transferwise, so consider looking at them as an option. 
23 Apr 2020 English South Africa Marketing · How To

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From copywriter to filmmaker - Gerhard Pretorius

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Design Indaba 2020 Day 3 Roundup

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