TOUCHING 100 LIVES . -Vuleka
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“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela.”
Initiated by Parishes within the Anglican Diocese of Johannesburg, Vuleka was established in response to the growing crisis in education in the region.
Mr Majola, the Principal, met with Hot Cares to tell us about two very hard working young girls, brimming with potential at his school and nominated them for educational, financial assistance.
Blessing Kalenga is a Grade 1 pupil at Vuleka. Since her fathers passing, Blessing's mother does her best to bring in an income to support Blessing and her three siblings by making bags and selling them at flea markets The family sometimes receives support from St Marks Church.
A bright and eager pupil, Blessing is an enthusiastic and talented netball player too. Before the Vuleka sports day, Blessing approached the headmaster Mr Majola and asked for taxi money to attend the sports day, as she hadn’t any. Mr Majola and Mrs Naidoo, her class teacher, sponsored Blessing and her family to attend where Blessing scored about four goals.
Busi Cube is Grade 5 pupil whose sister also attends Vuleka School a grade above her. Vuyokazi, Busi’s mom, is a single parent who drives an old Corsa that she uses to transport three other children to get a small income to pay the fees. Vuyokazi has raised a beautiful, well mannered and diligent pupil in Busi who always smiles and is respected by her peers. Busi’s older sister was a top scholar in Grade 7 last year. Vuyokazi is blessed to have two very bright young girls.
However, in these trying times, Mr Majola says the parents of these two studious young girls aren’t able to keep up with the fees and would like to encourage these two students who show so much potential.
As is fitting of Mandela's beliefs regarding education as the foundation of a better generation, Hot Cares will pay the annual school fees for both Busi and Blessing to keep them on the right path. At R20 000 per child, Hot Cares wi
Initiated by Parishes within the Anglican Diocese of Johannesburg, Vuleka was established in response to the growing crisis in education in the region.
Mr Majola, the Principal, met with Hot Cares to tell us about two very hard working young girls, brimming with potential at his school and nominated them for educational, financial assistance.
Blessing Kalenga is a Grade 1 pupil at Vuleka. Since her fathers passing, Blessing's mother does her best to bring in an income to support Blessing and her three siblings by making bags and selling them at flea markets The family sometimes receives support from St Marks Church.
A bright and eager pupil, Blessing is an enthusiastic and talented netball player too. Before the Vuleka sports day, Blessing approached the headmaster Mr Majola and asked for taxi money to attend the sports day, as she hadn’t any. Mr Majola and Mrs Naidoo, her class teacher, sponsored Blessing and her family to attend where Blessing scored about four goals.
Busi Cube is Grade 5 pupil whose sister also attends Vuleka School a grade above her. Vuyokazi, Busi’s mom, is a single parent who drives an old Corsa that she uses to transport three other children to get a small income to pay the fees. Vuyokazi has raised a beautiful, well mannered and diligent pupil in Busi who always smiles and is respected by her peers. Busi’s older sister was a top scholar in Grade 7 last year. Vuyokazi is blessed to have two very bright young girls.
However, in these trying times, Mr Majola says the parents of these two studious young girls aren’t able to keep up with the fees and would like to encourage these two students who show so much potential.
As is fitting of Mandela's beliefs regarding education as the foundation of a better generation, Hot Cares will pay the annual school fees for both Busi and Blessing to keep them on the right path. At R20 000 per child, Hot Cares wi