In Conversation with Michael Soi - Kenya

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Michael Soi, a veteran artist known for his politically and culturally charged pieces. Soi was born in Nairobi, Kenya and has been working as an artist since 1995 after completion of his fine art and art history studies. He begun his career as a sculptor and subsequently refined his own visual and artistic vocabulary over the years.

He is inspired by contemporary life in Nairobi. His work is social commentary providing a photographic diary of his country which explores relationships – intergenerational, interracial or generally what he calls the economics of love, commercial sex work and popular culture within the context of globalization & consumerism - subjects that no one wants to talk about in public.

Join our conversation as we touch on “China Loves Africa” collection: an eclectic assortment of 74 bold visual pieces that continue to interrogate China’s place in Africa. His art tote bags [a brainchild of Michael’s daughter] that Lupita Nyong’o couldn’t stop raving about them on her facebook page!

Enjoy, comment and follow us on social media @artradio_sa and artist @michaelsoistudio
21 Sep 2019 English Explicit South Africa Arts · Arts

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