LETTER: No stamp of approval for pathetic Post Office
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What is the purpose of the SA Post Office other than providing sheltered employment for loyal ANC cadres? It was bad enough under Mark Barnes, who quit while he was behind, but it gets no better.
Last week I received a medical invoice dated February 24, an income tax certificate dated February 29 and a pension fund communication from London dated March 1. I also received three letters addressed to the previous occupant of my house who died four years ago. These six envelopes were not even in my letter box, but were found blowing around my front lawn.
Moving mail efficiently is obviously no longer within the Post Office’s competence. I would suggest total privatisation, except that this would undoubtedly lead to some ANC tenderpreneur pocketing yet more of the country’s disappearing millions.
Richard McNeill
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Last week I received a medical invoice dated February 24, an income tax certificate dated February 29 and a pension fund communication from London dated March 1. I also received three letters addressed to the previous occupant of my house who died four years ago. These six envelopes were not even in my letter box, but were found blowing around my front lawn.
Moving mail efficiently is obviously no longer within the Post Office’s competence. I would suggest total privatisation, except that this would undoubtedly lead to some ANC tenderpreneur pocketing yet more of the country’s disappearing millions.
Richard McNeill
JOIN THE DISCUSSION: Send us an e-mail with your comments. Letters of more than 300 words will be edited for length. Send your letter by e-mail to letters@businesslive.co.za (mailto:%20letters@businesslive.co.za). Anonymous correspondence will not be published. Writers should include a daytime telephone number.