Hlala Nathi

In Hlala Nathi different pastors teach and preach the Word of God about relevant, everyday struggles and challenges, to edify and encourage Christians to overcome. It includes teachings in Zulu, Sepedi, and English.
Daily Zulu South Africa Christianity · Christianity
407 Episodes
1 – 20

The life of faith #2

Pastor Kenny Mokoena continues his teaching on living a life of faith, drawing from Luke 18: "When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on the earth?" In these challenging times, our need for God is greater than ever. As Christians, if we are not walking by faith,…
25 Jul 7AM 14 min

The life of faith #1

Pastor Kenny Mokoena teaches that the life of faith is fundamental for Christians. Just as the law of gravity is a constant, so too is the law of faith. This principle is emphasized in several scriptures: Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:38, all of which declare that…
25 Jul 6AM 15 min

A willing heart #4

Pastor Kenny Mokoena continues his series on the theme of a willing heart, drawing from Exodus 25:1-2. He highlights the example of the Macedonian church, where the grace of God was profoundly evident. Despite their poverty, they were eager to give. This serves as a powerful reminder of the importance…
17 Jul 6AM 15 min

The promise/gift of the father #7

Mashadi Mathosa continues her series on the gift of the Father, the Holy Spirit, explaining how to receive divine wealth that cannot be purchased with money. She references 1 John 2:16-17, emphasizing that while worldly desires are fleeting, but he who keeps his word will abide forever.
17 Jul 5AM 15 min

The promise/gift of the father #6

Mashadi Mathosa continues to teach about the Father's gift, emphasizing that God freely bestows these gifts upon us when we ask, without expecting anything in return. This aligns with Revelation 21:6 and Revelation 22:17, which highlight God's generous offer of the water of life to all who are thirsty, freely…
17 Jul 4AM 13 min

The promise/gift of the father #5

Mashadi Mathosa teaches about the Father's gift, the Holy Spirit, which comes with various spiritual gifts. In John 7, we are reminded of the importance of having a deep hunger for God. Additionally, Acts 16:9 emphasizes the importance of being receptive to God's call and guidance.
17 Jul 4AM 15 min

A willing heart #3

Pastor Kenny Mokoena continues to explore the theme of a willing heart, focusing on the condition of our hearts towards God. Reflecting on Exodus 25:1-2, 8, we understand that God does not accept anything offered reluctantly or under compulsion. God desires that our actions and offerings come from a place…
28 Jun 8AM 15 min

A willing heart #2

Pastor Kenny Mokoena continues teaching about the importance of having a willing heart, referencing Exodus 25:1-2, 8. He explains the distinction between the old and new covenants. Under the old covenant, willingness was not required in the same way; obedience to the Lord was the primary expectation. However, under the…
28 Jun 8AM 14 min

Do not slumber during pick-hours

Dr Zeblon Mavunda talks about slumbering during pick-hours. Matthews 26 : 41 - 42 "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak...” Prayer is our strength, do not slumber during pick-hours.
26 Jun 4AM 14 min

Turn your eyes to God

Dr Zeblon Mavunda talks about turning your eyes to God. Colossians 3 : 1 - 4 "Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly…
26 Jun 4AM 14 min

The light of God

Dr Zeblon Mavunda talks about the light of God. John 8: 12, Isaiah 35 : 8 "When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." "And a highway…
26 Jun 3AM 13 min

The Kingdom of God

Dr Zeblon Mavunda talks about the Kingdom of God. John 3 : 3 - 5 "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again..."
26 Jun 3AM 13 min

The promise of the father #4

Mashadi Mathosa continues the teaching series on "The Promise of the Father," emphasizing the hunger for God—what it is and what it means. This is a time for introspection, to examine your desire for the things of God, including the Word and prayer.
21 Jun 9AM 15 min

The promise of the father #3

Mashadi Mathosa continues the teaching series on "The Promise of the Father." We have received the Holy Spirit without measure, as it has been poured out on all flesh. Therefore, we must cultivate a deep hunger and thirst in our hearts to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
21 Jun 9AM 15 min

The promise of the father #2

Mashadi Mathosa continues teaching on the gift and promise of the Father—the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5:15-18 urges us to be filled with the Holy Spirit. From the life of Stephen, we learn that being filled with the Holy Spirit empowers us to face challenges with encouragement.
21 Jun 7AM 14 min

The promise of the father #1

Mashadi Mathosa teaches on the gift and the promise of the Father—the Holy Spirit. Referencing Isaiah 32:15, Mashadi emphasizes that in times when things are not working out in our lives, we should not look elsewhere but to Jesus. The Holy Spirit, as the promise of the Father, comes with…
21 Jun 7AM 18 min

A willing heart #1

Pastor Kenny Mokoena teaches about having a willing heart, drawing from Psalm 127:1-2: "Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain." He emphasizes that without God's grace, our efforts are futile.
21 Jun 7AM 14 min

Priority #5

Pastor Kenny Mokoena, in his series on Priority and Time Management, draws from Colossians 1:18 to emphasize the importance of identifying and understanding your priorities. He teaches that once you recognize what is truly important, you should allocate more time to those priorities, ensuring they receive the attention they deserve.
21 Jun 7AM 14 min

Priority #4

Pastor Kenny Mokoena continues teaching about priority and time management. Colossians 1 : 18 "And he (Jesus Christ) is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy." He is preeminent in…
21 Jun 7AM 14 min

Jesus can sympathize with you

Pastor Gerald Hugo discusses Luke 7:11, where Jesus shows compassion to the widow of Nain. He references Psalm 68, which describes God as a husband to the widow, a father to the fatherless, and one who places the lonely in families. Pastor Hugo emphasizes that whenever we face the loss…
5 Jun 9AM 20 min
1 – 20