Who is Who - Pilot
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Show Description
Who is Who? It is a podcast designed to spark thoughts and conversations around masculinity and femininity in society and the transitions of these phenomena throughout the years. Proudly brought to you by the second-year Journalism and Media Studies podcasting class from Rhodes University in the Eastern Cape, this podcast explores social expectations on what it means to be a man or a woman in relationships, workplaces, churches, positions of power, etc. have shifted over the years. Furthermore, we discuss the world’s mixed views on these phenomena, with the idea of unpacking the differences and similarities between the man and the woman by concentrating on the term masculinity and femininity. This podcast aims to have action-oriented discussions with a “make something happen” attitude, taking the initiative and problem-solving energy to unpack masculinity and femininity.
Show Notes
In this pilot episode of Who is Who? We unpack the social expectations of what it means to be a man or a woman in relationships—exploring how these expectations have shifted over the years. Relationships are no longer based on traditional heterosexual norms and gender roles but instead see the infusion of individualism. People have become more fluid in how they act or expect their partners to act in relationships. Our host, Tumiso Maseng, takes us through this game of dating. She introduces us to Nosipho Hlophe, who tackled the topic of the approach game in dating. Then we hear different views and opinions on dating and what traits people look for in a relationship from different people interviewed by Tatenda Mutungwa. We also hear from Tumiso Maseng, who spoke to people from different age groups about their opinion of traditional gender roles. Closing of the first-ever episode of Who is Who? Is Aphiwe Thamba, who spoke to Princess Sathegke about what it feels like to be a woman who doesn't conform to societal standards.
Who is Who? It is a podcast designed to spark thoughts and conversations around masculinity and femininity in society and the transitions of these phenomena throughout the years. Proudly brought to you by the second-year Journalism and Media Studies podcasting class from Rhodes University in the Eastern Cape, this podcast explores social expectations on what it means to be a man or a woman in relationships, workplaces, churches, positions of power, etc. have shifted over the years. Furthermore, we discuss the world’s mixed views on these phenomena, with the idea of unpacking the differences and similarities between the man and the woman by concentrating on the term masculinity and femininity. This podcast aims to have action-oriented discussions with a “make something happen” attitude, taking the initiative and problem-solving energy to unpack masculinity and femininity.
Show Notes
In this pilot episode of Who is Who? We unpack the social expectations of what it means to be a man or a woman in relationships—exploring how these expectations have shifted over the years. Relationships are no longer based on traditional heterosexual norms and gender roles but instead see the infusion of individualism. People have become more fluid in how they act or expect their partners to act in relationships. Our host, Tumiso Maseng, takes us through this game of dating. She introduces us to Nosipho Hlophe, who tackled the topic of the approach game in dating. Then we hear different views and opinions on dating and what traits people look for in a relationship from different people interviewed by Tatenda Mutungwa. We also hear from Tumiso Maseng, who spoke to people from different age groups about their opinion of traditional gender roles. Closing of the first-ever episode of Who is Who? Is Aphiwe Thamba, who spoke to Princess Sathegke about what it feels like to be a woman who doesn't conform to societal standards.