FunRise with Jacquie - Friday, 21 June 2024
Episode 82
1. Rotations
2. Log Roll to sitting to standing.
3. Bend knees, slide right leg to the side, stand up straight on right leg lifting left leg up and hold for 1,2,3,4.
4. Repeat left
5. Repeat above but count as below
Bend left knee on 1
Transfer weight on 2
Stand straight on 3
Hold on 4 with left knee lifted
Straighten left knee 5
Bend it 6
Straighten 7
Bend on 8
Repeat to the left.
1. Rotations
2. Log Roll to sitting to standing.
3. Bend knees, slide right leg to the side, stand up straight on right leg lifting left leg up and hold for 1,2,3,4.
4. Repeat left
5. Repeat above but count as below
Bend left knee on 1
Transfer weight on 2
Stand straight on 3
Hold on 4 with left knee lifted
Straighten left knee 5
Bend it 6
Straighten 7
Bend on 8
Repeat to the left.