Connecting with my Child: Connection Before Correction
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Let's learn the ABC... Adult Before Children, because it starts with me as the parent (the adult) teaching my kids without knowing it - simply by speaking to them, the sounds they hear from Day 1... How we teach as parents, is the WIN: what's important now? What do I need to look at, and address, as the parent in this moment. Engaging with our children - how we use words, and display actions, become their first level of education - way before school begins. Veteran Teacher & Author, Renee Lighton, joins Elana this week, and shares a few excellent ideas to stimulate critical thinking with our kids and use everyday items around the house to teach maths, organisation, and self-regulation. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.