Discovery sends Pulse Oximeter to high-risk 74-year old assisting in his COVID-19 recovery journey
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Multiple members of Dewald Wentzel’s immediate family who live on the same property – including his 74-year-old father – contracted COVID-19 within days of each other. As a trained paramedic, Dewald knew that a pulse oximeter was critical to monitoring the seriousness of his father’s symptoms while he recovered at home. The device measures the amount of oxygen in the blood, which can decline to critical levels in some people who contract COVID-19. Yet, none of these devices were available at any pharmacies Dewald contacted. That’s when he found out that Discovery Health Medical Scheme members who contract COVID-19 and fall into the high-risk category for severe illness from the disease, have access to a fully covered pulse oximeter. The device, which allows for home oxygen monitoring, is sent by courier to the member’s home, and supported by the Discovery Healthy Oximetry Support call centre. Thanks to this easy-to-use device, any dangerous decrease in oxygen saturation can be quickly detected, and medical assistance requested.