Ep. 16 - The Long Haul of Faith: Dr. Rowan Williams on Vocation and Prayer

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In this special episode, I sat down with about 9 other people, including Dr. Rowan Williams after a full day of exploring “Faith Formation within the Church for the Life of the World” at the Andrew Murray Centre. Following the main event, Marnus Havenga and Dr. Williams engaged in a very interesting conversation on vocation, calling, and the lifelong journey of faith. Reflecting on the Eucharist as a place of both divine and human connection, Dr. Williams delved into how Christian identity is shaped through listening, self-awareness, and spiritual practice.

Drawing on personal experiences in spiritual direction, he shares valuable insights on the “long haul” of ministry, offering guidance on how routines of prayer and attentiveness can sustain faith, even amidst life’s distractions and difficulties. This intimate conversation beautifully concluded a day focused on the role of the church as a learning, grateful, and unanxious community, inspiring us to see faith formation as an ongoing, life-giving process.

Also read: https://kaapkerk.co.za/faith-formation-for-the-life-of-the-world/
30 Oct Afrikaans South Africa Christianity · Religion & Spirituality

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