Mariette Snyman Calm, Clear & Helpful

Calm, Clear & Helpful

If anxiety, heartache, chronic pain or other issues are keeping you awake, listening to "Calm, Clear & Helpful" can bring you comfort and clarity. Ever-curious journalist Mariette Snyman interviews a range of experts on holistic health, love relationships, parenting, and life's phases and challenges. Join us each Tuesday for fresh insights, practical know-how, and for conversations from the heart.
Weekly English South Africa Self-Improvement · Relationships
202 Episodes
60 – 80

Ep. 141 Leon van Nierop: hoe flieks en TV-reekse ons raak

Is rolprentresensent en skrywer Leon van Nierop ‘n sensitiewe kyker - of nie? Hy praat oor sy rol as resensent of “tussenganger”, die vloektaal, geweld en eksplisiete tonele wat kykers moet verwerk, genres, preutsheid en vraatkyk. Hy verduidelik hoe rolprente van TV-reekse verskil, hoe hy kies waarna hy kyk en…
7 Nov 2023 45 min

Ep. 139 Help your little one learn about identity, belonging and consent

Learning about identity, belonging and consent - and knowing which adults are “safe” - can help young children deal with life challenges more easily. Early childhood development specialist Mariy Payne explains how the edutainment television show 'Takalani Sesame' equips littles ones in a playful way, and suggests fun activities for…
24 Oct 2023 30 min

Ep. 138 Knowing your money archetypes can improve your relationship with money

Do you struggle with making, keeping, spending or investing money? Wealth Matrix Mentor Farhana Goga explains how knowing your money blueprint can free you from guilt and shame, and how “doing the work” can heal money-related trauma, dissolve anxiety and fear, and empower you to attain financial freedom. Sponsored content.
17 Oct 2023 45 min

Ep. 137 Perimenopause: address your symptoms in a natural way

Perimenopause is a natural transition, but suffering debilitating symptoms is optional. Dr Faryal Luhar explains how hormonal changes can affect women’s physical, mental and emotional health. Awareness of the signs of perimenopause, including sleep disturbances and weight gain, is crucial; their root cause needs to be addressed. Learn how this…
10 Oct 2023 41 min

Ep. 136 How to manage the medical, emotional and practical aspects of cancer

Palliative care nursing sister Cherry Armstrong’s “Cancer: navigating the journey” helps cancer patients and their loved ones face this challenge, from the time of diagnosis to remission or terminal stages. Cherry addresses common questions and fears, treatments, side effects, medical aids, nutrition, complementary therapies, caring for a loved one, and…
3 Oct 2023 30 min

Ep. 135 Low vision: what it is and where to find help

Much of the information processed by the brain is visual, yet few of us know how to approach low vision. Occupational therapist Belinda Leibowitz clarifies its causes, assessments, professionals who can help, and why visually impaired persons needn’t give up their hobbies. She considers whether visual impairment is a normal…
26 Sep 2023 59 min

Ep 134 Is autoimmune disease the canary in the coal mine?

Autoimmune disease signals an urgent need to tend to an individual’s gut health and the influence of environmental factors. Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams explains why believing that autoimmunity cannot be treated is a myth; although existing tissue damage cannot be turned around, nutrition, lifestyle and behaviour changes can…
12 Sep 2023 46 min

Ep. 133 Effective wealth management for high-net worth women

More women, including entrepreneurs of all ages, are entering the higher-net worth space. Wealth manager Nicola Langridge discusses intriguing differences between men and women regarding investment, how to set and reach financial goals, and 6 aspects that holistic wealth management should include. She encourages women to seek support and take…
5 Sep 2023 34 min

Ep. 132 How birth can shape a brain-body system geared towards resilience

Skin-to-skin contact during the 6 hours after birth has an enormous impact on the bond between Baby, Mom and Dad. Childbirth educator Cozette Laubser from BabyGym® describes how this affects a baby’s brain and those of its parents, and the role played by the triune brain, oxytocin, dopamine and cortisol…
29 Aug 2023 50 min

Ep. 131 Healthy lifestyle choices: prevent insulin resistance and diabetes

An estimated 1 in 3 adults have pre-diabetes. Food writer Vickie de Beer introduces a hands-on guide to understanding and managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes as well as insulin resistance. She highlights low carb living as a long-term solution for children, adults, women in menopause and older individuals…
22 Aug 2023 33 min

Ep. 130 Managing menopause: how to regulate your nervous system

The hormonal changes menopause brings can upset women physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. These challenges are more easily met from a place of equilibrium, says therapeutic counsellor Nidhi Amanda Chaitow. She offers 5 simple ways to calm down, and emphasises tuning into one’s body wisdom, creativity, spirituality and sense of…
15 Aug 2023 43 min

Ep. 129 The 4 portfolios of positive living and ageing

Growing older can impact every aspect of our lives. Counselling psychologist Dr Hannetjie van Zyl-Edeling discusses research findings and practical ways to optimise our physical, psychological, financial and social “portfolios” to ensure quality of life in our later years. She mentions the rectangularisation of ageing, our 6 crucial needs, being…
8 Aug 2023 57 min

Ep 128 Kry jou vreugde terug na ‘n geliefde se selfdood

Om 'n geliefde te verloor beteken nie die wond sal nooit genees nie, sê "grief coach" en skrywer Marlene Potgieter. Toe haar seun 11 jaar gelede sy lewe beëindig het, het haar pad van rousmart begin. Sy praat oor die skok, skaamte, woede, misplaaste skuldgevoelens, ervaring van verwerping, en hoekom…
1 Aug 2023 33 min

Ep. 127 The joys and benefits of circle dancing

Have you ever danced in a circle, holding hands and moving as one? International circle dance teacher Judy King discusses the concept of circle dancing, the role of traditional dances and contemporary choreographies, and the meaning of dropping deeper into the dance. She explains that, in the circle, enjoyment and…
25 Jul 2023 53 min

Ep. 126 The Enneagram for couples: understand yourself and your beloved

In an intimate relationship, different viewpoints create stress and conflict. By illuminating each partner’s key motivational drive, the Enneagram provides clarity which – used mindfully – supports self-awareness and liberates one’s partner from unrealistic expectations. Transformation coach Renier Cronje explains how accepting and normalising each partner’s survival fears can strengthen…
18 Jul 2023 1 hr 14 min

Ep 125 How I experienced my mother’s death

Have you lost your mom, or do you dread her passing? Angel whisperer Belinda Bras-Nel shares her own experience, highlighting the complexity of some mother-daugher relationships, our need to be loved and nurtured, what soul contracts involve, and the importance of allowing feminine or mother energy to flow through us…
11 Jul 2023 38 min

Ep. 124 How to protect your DNA from cancer

Did you know the aim of detoxification is to protect your DNA? Functional medicine health coach Anita Hamilton-Williams discusses our exposure to toxins, the 3 phases of detoxification, and how poor detox pathways may be linked to cancer and excess weight. Here’s how to support detoxification through nutrients, lifestyle, and…
4 Jul 2023 38 min

Ep. 123 The Lyno Method: addressing chronic pain and injuries by releasing unresolved trauma

Did you know that unresolved physical and emotional trauma can cause chronic pain and recurring injuries? Physiotherapist Benita Kropman explains how the Lyno® Method identifies and facilitates the release of fascia restrictions by activating the parasympathetic nervous system, restoring mobility to individuals including athletes, babies and the elderly.
27 Jun 2023 1 hr 03 min

Ep. 122 Adjusting to motherhood: an honest discussion

A new baby often takes centre stage, while its mother’s needs are put aside. Business & confidence coach Gosia Scarrott sheds light on new moms’ conflicting emotions, loss of identity and self-worth, loneliness, and unhelpful beliefs. Speaking from her own experience, she offers practical advice that can help moms rebuild…
20 Jun 2023 55 min
60 – 80