Radio Pulpit

Radio Pulpit

Radio Pulpit is an established, reliable, relevant media voice and preferred Christian radio station and media partner in South Africa and beyond. With more than four decades of broadcasting experience, this trusted brand is a welcome voice in households and businesses across the country.
South Africa
68 Podcast shows
20 – 40

Filling the Gap

Bridging the gap between young and old is what Filling the Gap on Radio Pulpit aims to do. It helps create a multi-generational society that glorifies God. The programme expertly addresses issues, such as drug abuse, peer pressure, young marriages and more.
16 Sep 93 episodes English Self-Improvement · Christianity

Met Hart en Siel

Vier mekaar se kreatiwiteit en uniekheid en kies om lief te hê. Die program is vir vroue (en mans) van geloof wat die pragtige en goeie uit die Vader se hand geniet. Jou aanbieder is die talentvolle Christine Ferreira, redakteur van die Christelike vrouetydskrif, Lééf.
17 Sep 167 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Self-Improvement

The Ultimate Lifestyle Guide

With The Ultimate Lifestyle Guide, Radio Pulpit wants to entertain as well as inform and inspire listeners towards a balanced lifestyle. Your presenter is Bonolo Nkosi, a seasoned presenter with experience in television production. She wants to remind you that whether you are going to a concert, cleaning your house,…
16 Sep 46 episodes English Christianity · Self-Improvement


Spectrum with Ayanda is a news and actuality programme on Radio Pulpit. It’s a place to ask difficult questions our listener’s need answers for, be it Christian, life, or business-related. It offers the listener’s a wide spectrum of topics.
16 Sep 271 episodes English Christianity · Society & Culture

Bible Perspective

Deep theology & down-to-earth applicability. Bible Perspective looks at aspects of life through clear, Biblical lenses with Pastor David de Bruyn.
8 Sep 128 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Plus 50 Kuiertyd

Plus50 Kuiertyd in samewerking met Radiokansel gee ons die geleentheid om direk met ons senior mense informeel te kan kuier! Deur insiggewende en stimulerende inligting aan seniors te bied, help ons om nuuskierigheid en positiwiteit te bevorder. Ons voer informele kuier-gesprekke met kenners in verskeie vakgebiede en stokperdjies. Ons doelwit…
16 Sep 16 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Christianity

Verhoudingsdinge met Deon en Karin

Deon en Karin du Toit staan aan die hoof van Huweliksfokus, ‘n interkerklike bediening met die visie om huwelike te belyn met God se plan. Hulle passie en oortuiging is dat elke huwelik gered kan word en dat elke gesin gesonde, gelukkige verhoudings kan hê. Huweliksfokus bied 'n diepgaande ondersoek…
16 Sep 12 episodes English Christianity · Kids & Family

Delf steeds dieper

Delf Steeds Dieper nooi jou uit om saam te delf en dieper te soek na die skatte van ons Vader. Die Waarheid is so groot soos ons Messias Self en in hierdie lewe sal ons nooit ophou delf en leer nie!
13 Sep 85 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Vier Die Lewe

Vier Die Lewe is ‘n leefstylprogram op Radiokansel 657AM oor die Goeie Nuus van God se verlossing. Dit is ‘n inspuiting van hoop en vreugde vir die wat moeg en vol wanhoop is.
15 Sep 131 episodes Afrikaans Self-Improvement · Christianity


Tydens Mannestories gesels Müller Crauwcamp elke week met manne wat hulle lewensverhale en getuienisse deel oor hoe die Here in hulle lewens werk. Hierdie program sal jou bemoedig met weeklikse stories oor God se goedheid.
15 Sep 99 episodes Afrikaans Christianity · Personal Journals


The theme of HospiVision is touching lives and giving hope. It deals with spiritual, emotional and physical health issues. Ministering to those in extreme physical and emotional pain takes its toll on any person, but according to Dr Pieter, above all, it is “hope” that keeps them going.
15 Sep 109 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Sunday Sermon

Soul food for the week ahead with English sermons and teachings from the Central Baptist Church in Pretoria. To know the mind and will of God, we give ourselves to understanding and teaching the Bible. Our intention is to apply the truth of God’s word in our everyday life in…
15 Sep 27 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity


Radio Pulpit has combined different styles of preaching, teaching, and evangelising into one unique programme slot. In our cuisine, you will find different languages, cultures, and ethnicities. It’s coupled with long slots of music to spice our 'dish.' Teachers cover different topics ranging from spirituality, religion and everyday challenges or…
6 Sep 290 episodes English Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Wednesday Live

In the middle of your workweek, you will find a dose of inspiration and empowerment with Wednesday Live on Radio Pulpit. It is a talk show that addresses a wide range of topics, such as Christian ethics, community development and discipleship.
13 Sep 180 episodes English Christianity · Self-Improvement

Thursday Live

Thursday Live is a unique programme on Radio Pulpit with a focus on empowering listeners for the business world. Experts and entrepreneurs share their stories intending to encourage and bring hope. The programme aims to provide an answer to the high unemployment rate that our country faces. The show is…
13 Sep 330 episodes English Christianity · Business

Elevated with Jenna-Leigh

Elevated is a unique Radio Pulpit show that uplifts, empowers and celebrates victories in Christ with the talented Jenna-Leigh Bilong as the presenter. It will uplift your spirit and empower you through the Word of God. The highlight of the show is the powerful testimonies shared by guests.
13 Sep 111 episodes English Christianity · Christianity


Ontdek weer die heerlikheid van die evangelie. Die fokus is om ‘n meer diepgaande passie vir die Woord van God onder gelowiges te laat opvlam.
12 Sep 128 episodes Afrikaans Religion & Spirituality · Christianity

Tuesday Live

Prayer, wisdom, peace, and understanding the Word of God are just some of the topics Ray Legodi, and his guests discuss on Tuesday Live. Listeners can expect to come away from this programme equipped with more in-depth knowledge of the Bible. With invaluable lessons learnt, and the arsenal of their…
10 Sep 189 episodes English Christianity · Self-Improvement

'Pitch your Business' Competition

If you have ever dreamed of starting your own business, or wish to take your business to the next level, this is for you! I AM Youth, Radio Pulpit and the North-West University’s Faculty of Economic and Management Science and its bhive Enterprise Development Centre are joining forces to host…
10 Sep 45 episodes English Business · Marketing

Emgangathweni | Back to Basics

Emgangathweni (Back to Basics) is a show on Radio Pulpit aimed at unlocking and revealing truths through interactive dialogue and discussions. Audience members bring their own views and analysis of specific theological trends. Listeners can expect intriguing as well as empowering and uplifting conversations that cover a broad spectrum of…
10 Sep 226 episodes English Christianity · Self-Improvement
20 – 40