Investec Focus Radio South Africa features conversations between leading minds from within Investec and other experts on economic, investment and business topics in addition to issues that go beyond wealth.
In “Strandloper 2” wag nuwe kinkels en onthullings in Bloubaai. Ná die dramatiese skote van die eerste reeks moet Dylan sy pad vorentoe vind. Mauritz staan voor ʼn lewensveranderende besluit, terwyl Nicolien se soektog na haar pa verdiep. Stefan delf verder in die geheimsinnige duikdood van Mauritz se pa, en…
Unspoken is a Podcast hosted by Awino Awiti. It aims to take listeners on a Personal development journey with relatable life topics and brings untold stories to life.
6 Mar
111 episodes
English Education · Self-Improvement
Focus on the Family is a half-hour daily dose of encouragement and advice for the family with keys to stronger marriages, effective parenting, deeper relationships and a more satisfying lifestyle. Focus on the Family has become one of today's most recognized Christian radio programmes.
6 Mar 5PM
1,805 episodes
English Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality
When it comes to daily news, The World Tonight takes international events seriously and covers them in depth. Using the BBC's international network of correspondents we report on what is going on, put it in context and provide a forum for debate on the big issues facing us all. The…
Sound effects, acting, storyline, scriptwriting, directing, trailers, cinematography, colour grading and basically anything to do with cinemas and filmmaking - our movie presenters are there. Sash, Ryan and Timothy share hilarious movie facts, incredible behind the scene moments and so much more! Do they rate the movie as worth watching?…
6 Mar
373 episodes
English TV & Film · Performing Arts
Global news and analysis from the BBC World Service, twice a day, every day of the year. Join our leading team of presenters for the best interviews, features and analysis of world events.
Point of View with Phemelo Motene, delves into the day’s current affairs, touching on real issues and sharing expert advice on the audience questions between 8pm to 10pm Mondays to Thursdays.
6 Mar 3PM
2,297 episodes
English Education · Careers
The Voice of Saskatchewan. Evan Bray discusses the latest stories about Saskatchewan with Saskatchewan listeners. Heard from 8:30am - 12:30pm on 650 CKOM & 980 CJME.
“Ek en my kind” is gespreksprogram wat vanuit ‘n onderwysperspektief ouerleiding bied ten opsigte van kinderontwikkeling en kindersorg. Dit gee ouers perspektief oor Onderwyssake en brandpunte wat impak kan hê op hul rol en verantwoordelikheid ten opsigte van hul kind se welstand in die klaskamer en op die speelgrond. Sake…
6 Mar
196 episodes
Afrikaans Education
1 – 20
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